Friday, October 7, 2011

The Stardoll Twilight Club Scenery Contest

The Stardoll Twilight Club Scenery Contest 2012

We want to see how creative you are by incorporating the theme 'Books' into your scenery.

1st Place- $10 AUD Stardoll gift card (Redeems 1 Month Superstar membership with 200 Stardollars)
Scenery as our club blog banner.
An extra $50 Stardollars
2nd Place- $10 AUD Stardoll gift card (Redeems 1 Month Superstar membership with 200 Stardollars)
3rd Place- The fame for getting your username written in our club poll and presentation. (We get around 500 hits into our club everyday).

How to enter:
8th July to 8th August: Make one scenery, with the theme 'Books' and submit the screen shot of your scenery to our flickr page. You must have a flickr account to post the picture,don't worry its very easy to become a member, you can use your current email address.
OR Make a scenery on our club scenery page and one of the managers or me will upload it for you. Please include a description and a title.

10th August: Taylor, Summer, Tash and I will choose our top 3 sceneries out of all of the contestants. We will post the username of the top 3 winners in our club poll. Anyone will be able to vote.

17th August: We will announce the winner on our club presentation and our club blog.

Contestants must have a Stardoll account with a minimum of level 8 Starpoints.
1 Scenery per Username.
You need to incorporate something to do with 'Books' In it.
ONLY Twilight Club Members can join this contest.

Useful links:
Flickr Link-
Club Blog-

Inspirational things:
What is your favourite book?
Who is your favourite fictional character?
Where is yur favourite book set?

Good Luck!


Sunday, August 7, 2011

This kind of thing ticks me off.

This is posted in the 'Twilight Club Rules 1.0' topic. And of course, rule number two is no scams. And what happens? Someone posts a scam. It's as if they didn't read the rules. Which, they probably didn't. Oh well. Nothing I can really do.

(To read the rules, click HERE)

Banned Members

Hey Everyone,

Recently I have spotted some people who I haven’t banned on the Twilight Club banned list. Today I saw CuzImBatman banned, and I didn't ban her. She did post something about passwords.

I have asked managers, but they said that they didn’t ban them, so I have come to the conclusion that members of the Stardoll Staff have been banning members from the club.

Everyone from now on needs to be VERY careful on what they post. Members are not allowed to ask for ANY password. Not youtube, emails, facebook, or any other website’s password. Don't even mention the word 'password' in the club.

This is one of the main causes.



Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Hey Everyone,
These past days, because of all the hype with Original Club, I decided on asking Angel_of_HIM (manager of Stardoll Royalty) some advice on things to do to make our Twilight Club Safer.
And this was the messages she sent me:


Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Club rules update!

After recent events a few of you may have noticed that Lynzzy has updated our club rules, I was asked if I could update my explanation into the rules- Most of them are pretty obvious but here are some additional notes:

1.DO NOT GIVE OUT YOUR PASSWORD. NO PASSWORD MAKEOVERSI wouldn’t suggest giving out your password to anyone you don’t know extremely well, Countless times I have seen people promise to make others superstars, and then hack them. You may think the person seems genuine- But in reality that may not be the case.
2. No scams. They do not work. eg: do you want 1,000 stardollers? 1. Pass this onto 5 clubs 2. Press f5 for 10 seconds 3. Log out 4. Log in.
Not only do these posts annoy people, It makes you look naïve for actually believing it.
3. Always welcome others. Be kind to new members.
No one should be treated any different because of how long they’ve been on the club. Give everyone a chance.
4. No racism.
If you’re idiotic enough to even try to be racist in TC, You deserve what’s coming to you :]
5. Do not ask for manager. They are chosen when needed.
It’s just plain annoying (Even more so when the person has just joined) Enjoy being a member, and if Lyn thinks you’ll do a good job she’ll come to you – not the other way round.
6. No bullying. No offensive language.
Bullying is plain wrong- I do not care for excuses.
7. Please don’t try to annoy others.
Its self-explanatory really.
8. Keep status topics to the minimum. Eg: Known/Unknown Popularity.
People tend to get upset by these topics, they’re also not really needed..
9. Clean posts please. If your fan fiction contains mature language please indicate in title.
Just try to give a small indication of the content within the title or first post if you can’t fit it in the title.
10. No advertising. Unless authorized.
Just a simple ask would be nice.
11. If you dislike this club, no ones stopping you from leaving.
I don’t care how much you hate us, no one cares. As for leaving- If you’re gonna go, go. There’s no need to create a huge drama surrounding it.

I also spotted a few people giving out their MSN address earlier, Maybe this isn’t the best time to do that. Its obvious after the drama surrounding OC Stardoll may choose to look into other popular clubs, and if that does happen it won’t help the situation if peoples msn’s are flying about.

I suggest you exchange information in chat, if you must- You never know who is watching the club and can add you. Also be sure to try and follow stardoll’s own rules especially while the investigations into OC are going on.

Thanks for reading.


Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Breaking Dawn Part one Teaser Trailer!

If you havent already seen it watch it here:

What do you make of the Trailer?
~Summer ♥

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Private or Public

Hey guys,
I know there are a lot of people who love the club private. I actually prefer it public and I have a couple of reasons.

My first reason is that I certainly don't have time to constantly check on the club and accept members. It also looks like the managers don't have time either. See below:
And I don't blame them. Our lives don't revolve around Stardoll, we have a life besides the internet too!

My second reason is that when the club is private, discussions move a lot slower. When I logged on the other night, there were discussions on the first page 2-4 hours ago. See below:

I know that when the club is private, it stops the annoying members from joining. I also understand that people get hurt from what the rude people who join when the club is public say. However we all have to stoop higher than them, and ignore it all.

The other day, I was looking at my guestbook and a girl accused me of being a bad owner, because I had the club public. I found it so annoying but I knew she didn't know my situation, so she didn't think before she posted.

So these are my reasons so far, hopefully they sound reasonable for making the club Public again.


Monday, April 4, 2011


I was just talking to Bethan on msn, and we chatted about the old Twilight Club members that we remembered. Here is a list of members we remembered from a long time back. Some of them are still playing Stardoll! Some of the old managers.
Comment if you guys know others.


I miss some of the people so much on this list, that I would do anything to talk to them again. Wonder what they are doing after they stopped using Stardoll.


Just Not Tolerable In Twilight Club
