Monday, August 2, 2010

Advertise Your Stories Here.

Hey Twilighters ♥
There's so many stories in the twilight club that it's hard to get around to reading them all.
Have you worked really hard on your story but nobody knows about it?
Advertise them here or reccomend your favourite ones in the comment box.
If you want to read more stories then go to the comment box :]
Stories So Far:

A Renesmee& Jacob Love Story © ♥ - Chloerocks4ever

Bella Is Blind When She Meets Edward - LoveNatasha

Kailey Maclean: Abused - KaileyMac

Run- Anon

(S) If Bella Was So... - Jenny67890

Love, Hate And Chocolate - BrayBrayQueen

101 market street - saphirebffl

3guys, 3girls and a haunted hotel - saphirebffl

Live& Let Die- LeanneCullen. , Megopatt and sianygirl97

GOING CRAZY - Paramorebby

Her Existance [12+] - Sumz95

What If Jake Was The Cheater? o.O 16+ - MrsSanSan.
Reccomended By Chloerocks4ever.

Cullen Wife Swap - Sianygirl97
Reccomended by Jenny67890

-Closing a.k.a chloerocks4ever. ♥


  1. Be The First One To Advertise :]

  2. I want people to read my story "Bella is Blind When She Meets Edward"
    It has over 1500 posts already, but I still want more readers and more opinions on it. =)

  3. hey it's kaileymac!

    hm... I'd like to advertise
    Kailey MacLean: Abused

  4. hiyo peeps!

    id like to advertise my storey
    its called Run


  5. I would like to advertise My story its called:
    (S)If Bella was So..
    On Club Twilight!!!

  6. I Reccomend: What If Jake Was The Cheater? o.O 16+

    It's Written by MrsSanSan.

    I'd rate it 10/10 it's Awesome .

    -Closing ♥

  7. Can y'all read Love, Hate and Chocolate?

  8. I recommend
    Cullen Wife Swap
    It hilarious 10/10 ♥

  9. Okay I put Them All On the List :]

    -Closing ♥

  10. I want to advertise my 2 stories
    101 Market Street~Saphire8bffl
    3guys,3girls and A haunted hotel~saphire8bffl

  11. Live & Let Die by LeanneCullen., megopatt & Sianygirl97

    Oh and Btw, Cullen Wife Swap is by Sianygirl97

  12. So here's me advertising mine ... um ... well first i just want to say that all of my stories somehow base back to vampires ... so if you are a mystical genre type of person ... I'm the author for you :}
    My book is called For You
    For now, anyway, and the topic is called GOING CRAZY!
    Here's the link to the topic in the Twilight forum, hope you enjoy reading it

  13. Summer would like you too read 'Her Existence [12+]
    Heres the link ;D

  14. Thanks Leanne :]

    I'm going to put the rest of the stories on the list now

    -Closing ♥

  15. Okay here's mine:

    A Renesmee& Jacob Love Story © ♥

    The Stardoll link:

  16. umm, im advertising my story called In My Hands,
    it's kinda complicated but you'll understand once you read it through.
    About:Anna's twin sister mellisa dies in a car accident after a party,Anna was with her. the price of making it out alive is jagged scars that run down the left side of her face. her mother blames her for mellisa's death and moves in with her grandparents. known as the freak of her new public school she stays alone, well, until she meets gabriel. a guy who is made fun of as a freak just as much as she is. he is also greiving over a dear loss. his best friend mark. reluctant to be his friend they make a pact. He gets her to do things she never thought she could do with what happened with her face. but among their journeys comes strange things. she gets the abilities to do things no human can do, see things no mortal is meant to see.her dead twin sister and Mark. Gabriel can too. Gabriel is obbsessed eith finding the person who murdered mark and why they can do all the strange things. what if what Gabriel and Anna can do is meant to happen, that it's a prophecy needed to be fufilled. what if one of their soul's is meant to save the world? what if the other is meant to destroy it? What if they fall in love and can never escape eachother's destinies?
    yeah it's long sorry. lol. thanks if you read it(:

  17. I've got a new one :) its called
    Live,Breathe,EAT! [S non-twilight]

  18. Kitty (a.k.a kittyminger) -

    Put on my story Gemma Cullen - The Fascinating Girl (S) plz? It's about a pretty English girl, Jemima a.k.a Gemma who has a disturbing, violent past and is determined to make amends and pull through when she goes to visit the Cullens. Loads of twists - and will make you laugh and cry. A real page turner.

    Thanks if you do, from your friendly neighbourhood KITTY gal!

  19. em I would like to remove 1 of my stories 3girls,3guys and a haunted hotel I am taking it down so please remove it when you can

    ILYT Rachel

  20. I'd say read HACKER, but I ain't there to write it, much to the annoyance of my ever-loyal fans.

  21. If jacob got nessie pregn*nt at 18 plz read!

  22. Can you please put my story Give Love A Chance [Nessie's Life] up here? I've been writing it for ages, and that is the reason I first came to the twilight club, originally called forever, and I'm reposting it, as i had to delete it because of dumb glitches.
    The stardoll link:
    Bee says relax and stuff. xx

  23. Again advertising my story called Eternal Slavery?
    there t'is

  24. Hey guys! I'm advertising my story: A Life Worth Living...?
    Here's the link!!

  25. I recently finished writing story called 'Second Chance' , it is about vampires, and I would like if you could check it out on my blog called
    I also started new one which is called 'New Chance' and it is updated daily

  26. my fave is JB The Best and The Worst By- heart_on_fire it is AWESOME here is a link-
