Wednesday, December 22, 2010

In the spotlight: Wannabe Gossip-Girls

It seems that some gutless members of the twi community fancy them self’s as quite the gossip girl,

But making up crap about members, isn’t really getting them anywhere, I say no names. . .

So what do you guys think, Is this a habit that will stay?


Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Well, I have nothing to talk about, really, except the club has been a lot better than it used to be, but there is always room for improvement. Don't... Ask what I mean by that, because I don't quite know, I just feel that it could be better.

Anyways, comment if you have any suggestions on how to make the club better.


Monday, August 2, 2010

Advertise Your Stories Here.

Hey Twilighters ♥
There's so many stories in the twilight club that it's hard to get around to reading them all.
Have you worked really hard on your story but nobody knows about it?
Advertise them here or reccomend your favourite ones in the comment box.
If you want to read more stories then go to the comment box :]
Stories So Far:

A Renesmee& Jacob Love Story © ♥ - Chloerocks4ever

Bella Is Blind When She Meets Edward - LoveNatasha

Kailey Maclean: Abused - KaileyMac

Run- Anon

(S) If Bella Was So... - Jenny67890

Love, Hate And Chocolate - BrayBrayQueen

101 market street - saphirebffl

3guys, 3girls and a haunted hotel - saphirebffl

Live& Let Die- LeanneCullen. , Megopatt and sianygirl97

GOING CRAZY - Paramorebby

Her Existance [12+] - Sumz95

What If Jake Was The Cheater? o.O 16+ - MrsSanSan.
Reccomended By Chloerocks4ever.

Cullen Wife Swap - Sianygirl97
Reccomended by Jenny67890

-Closing a.k.a chloerocks4ever. ♥

Sunday, August 1, 2010

The New Club Rules Explained. . .

0.DO NOT GIVE OUT YOUR PASSWORD!-This is one of Stardolls One Stop Rules which if you break you may cause the club to be deleted.

1. No scams. They do not work. Eg: do you want 1,000,000 stardollers 1.pass this onto 5 clubs f5 for 10 seconds 3. log out 4. log in 5. you should have 1,000,000 star dollars.
Seriously guys- Unless your living on planet Mars you should no this one- Not only is it a pain in the ass- Its against stardolls own rules . . .Why loose your account over something so stupid?

2.No advertising. Unless authorized by managers/owner . . .How annoying is it when people come into a CLUB. . .and ask you too join stuff "Join my CLUB- Its the best in the world" -Fail. Then theres “Vote me covergirl!”- Okayy, we stick together as a club- We wanna help each other , But we get the MESSAGE the first time! And when I've never seen you before, and you've joined the club too advertise its a annoying! No I will not join your club- Or vote you CG.

3. Always welcome others. Be kind to new members. Following the rudeness and hate towards new members- A few active members of the club where banned. We where ALL new once- Even Lyn.

4. No racism. seriously- You we be out the door before I even get a chance too scream at you.

5. Do not ask for manager. Okay- Newbies many do this, Like why? Theres people that have been on the club longer than my nan has been alive- Yet you feel you should be manger? Its Lyn choice she will ask if she wants you too be.

6. No bullying. No swearing at each other, if you mean it personally.
Stuff like :” F**K I am going to be late for school!” Is fine. But tbqh it doesnt make you look hard- And is an Stardoll rule, so watch out!

But stuff like :”I hate you ******” is not acceptable, Seriously- get a better come back already. . .

7. Keep pervness to the minimum.
This means try to keep sexual references to the minimum, stories are fine. But on general discussion topics, without a warning for those younger readers isn’t. Seriously we do not want too suck any part of you- Ask your mum :)

8. Please don’t try to annoy others. well that pretty much explained its self.

9. Keep status topics to the minimum. Eg: Known/Unknown Popularity
People get hurt when others play the Known/Unknown Popularity games. Keeping it to the minimum is, don’t create one yourself. If someone created it earlier, for example months ago, just post whatever you have to say on that one. Don’t make a new topic about it. Seriously- Do you really want too be known online- make a stand in the REAL world!

10. If you dislike this club, no ones stopping you from leaving.
Some people these days say how much they hate the club. If you hate the club so much, why don’t you just leave? No ones stopping you. And we dont need a big- Im leaving ! Thing for you too come back 5 seconds later- I cant live with out this club! Two words - Attention. Seekers.

I hope this helped any questions- Hit the comments section


Monday, July 26, 2010


Welcome to ‘Twilight’ Club from Stardoll’s official blog. Here we have managers and the owner updating information on the club and on Stardoll.